"; source = ((CCRZ.getCookie("handlebars") != "") ? preSource : "") + source; } return Handlebars.compile(source); } }); /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// GLOBAL AUXILIAR FUNCTIONS //////////////// */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLONE ANY OBJECT function cloneObject(objectToClone) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objectToClone)); } //Asigna a un un texto de error //Parametros: //elem: $("#elemento") o $(".clase") etc //message: "mensaje de error" function setMessageErrorInElement(elem, message) { elem.html(message).css("color", "#ff0000"); } //Limpia el de error //Parametros: //elem: $("#elemento") o $(".clase") etc //millisecond: 3000 o la cantidad de milisegundos que desee function hideMessageErrorInElement(elem, millisecond) { setTimeout(() => { elem.html(''); }, millisecond); } //Deshabilita los input de un form //Parametros: //elem: $("#elemento") o $(".clase") etc //excludeInput: string de input que desea excluir separados por coma(,). Ejm: "#txtInput1,.txtClassBtn,#txtArea" function disabledForm(elem, excludeInput) { if (excludeInput != undefined) { elem.not(excludeInput).prop('disabled', true); } else { elem.prop('disabled', true); } } //Habilita los input de un form //Parametros: //elem: $("#elemento") o $(".clase") etc function enabledForm(elem) { elem.prop('disabled', false); } //Valida si es visita o no function IsGuest() { if (CCRZ.currentUser.UserType == 'Guest') { return true; } else { return false; } } //Retorna el nombre del día de la semana function getDayName(dayNumber) { let weekday = new Array(7); weekday[0] = "Global_DayName1"; weekday[1] = "Global_DayName2"; weekday[2] = "Global_DayName3"; weekday[3] = "Global_DayName4"; weekday[4] = "Global_DayName5"; weekday[5] = "Global_DayName6"; weekday[6] = "Global_DayName7"; return weekday[dayNumber]; } //Habilita los popovers de un form //Parametros: //elem: $("#elemento") o $(".clase") etc function showMessageTypePopover(elem, title, content, timeClose) { if(CCRZ.getPageConfig('pd.enablepopuppl')){ if($(elem).data('isavailableurl')){ elem.attr('data-html', true); let brandTitle=CCRZ.productDetailModel.attributes.product.prodBean.brandName; let labelBrand=CCRZ.pagevars.pageLabels.seeMoreProductsByBrand?CCRZ.pagevars.pageLabels.seeMoreProductsByBrand:''; let writter=''; let store=CCRZ.pagevars.storefrontName; writter+='
"; } $("#writerExtDataComprador").append(writer); } function writerData( name,ape,email){ $("#writerDataComprador").empty(); // var ape=CCRZ.cartCheckoutView.model.attributes.buyerLastName; // var email=CCRZ.cartCheckoutView.model.attributes.buyerEmail; var writer=""; writer+="
"; $("#writerDataComprador").append(writer); } function paintCustomerData(){ if(CCRZ.pagevars.isGuest){ var nameP=CCRZ.cartCheckoutView.model.attributes.buyerFirstName; var apeP=CCRZ.cartCheckoutView.model.attributes.buyerLastName; var emailP=CCRZ.cartCheckoutView.model.attributes.buyerEmail; writerData(nameP, apeP,emailP); }else{ var nameP=CCRZ.currentUser.FirstName; var apeP=CCRZ.currentUser.LastName; var emailP=CCRZ.currentUser.Email; writerData(nameP, apeP,emailP); } } function clearAmuntAndDelivaryData(){ $("#writerTax").empty(); $("#writertotalAmount").empty(); $("#writerShip").empty(); $("#writerExtDataComprador").empty(); $(".plusInfo").attr("style","display:none"); $(".plusInfoTot").attr("style","display:none"); $(".plusInfoEnv").attr("style","display:none"); } function updateInfo(){ CCRZ.LoadTaxMiniCart=null; if(CCRZ.pagevars.currentPageName == "ccrz__CheckoutNew"){ if(CCRZ.pagevars.isGuest){ CCRZ.LoadTaxMiniCart =setInterval(function() { if(!(typeof CCRZ.cartCheckoutView.model.attributes.buyerFirstName == "undefined")){ // var nameP=CCRZ.cartCheckoutView.model.attributes.buyerFirstName; // var apeP=CCRZ.cartCheckoutView.model.attributes.buyerLastName; // var emailP=CCRZ.cartCheckoutView.model.attributes.buyerEmail; // writerData(nameP, apeP,emailP); paintCustomerData() if(CCRZ.CheckoutPayload!=undefined){ writeExtData(); } updateMiniCartFields(); clearInterval(CCRZ.LoadTaxMiniCart); } }, 1000); }else{ CCRZ.LoadTaxMiniCart =setInterval(function() { console.log('pregunta') if(!(typeof CCRZ.currentUser === "undefined")){ console.log( 'curr:-',CCRZ.currentUser); // var nameP=CCRZ.currentUser.FirstName; // var apeP=CCRZ.currentUser.LastName; // var emailP=CCRZ.currentUser.Email; // writerData(nameP, apeP,emailP); paintCustomerData() if(CCRZ.CheckoutPayload!=undefined){ writeExtData(); } updateMiniCartFields(); clearInterval(CCRZ.LoadTaxMiniCart); } }, 1000); } } } function is_MC_Pixel_Active() { let isActive = false if(typeof _etmc !== "undefined" && CCRZ.getPageConfig('sfmc.mcp_enable',false)){ isActive = true } return isActive } function linkHawkSend(e){ let hawkKey = ''; //CCRZ.pagevars.storefrontName == 'B2CCochez' ? '3f3063fb0b584d43b6c91421aede6c03' : '49842e22915f43fcbcc5c5bcd8280800'; switch (CCRZ.pagevars.storefrontName) { case "B2CCochez": hawkKey = '3f3063fb0b584d43b6c91421aede6c03'; break; case "B2CNovey": hawkKey = '49842e22915f43fcbcc5c5bcd8280800'; break; case "B2BCochez": hawkKey = '3f3063fb0b584d43b6c914XXXXXXXXXX'; break; } HawkSearch.link(e,hawkKey,1, e.target.dataset.productsfid,0) ; //e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } // --------------------- PROTOTYPE ------------------------ String.prototype.capitalize = function() { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1); } // ---------------- REMOTE INVOKE ACTION ----------------- // Utilizar para cuando el método del controlador recive un JSON como parámetro //----- // Parámetros // remoteCallObj: el objeto con contexto del controlador que se va utilizar. // remoteActionName: nombre del metodo o action a ejecutar en el controlador // data: parametros(objeto) en formato string function callCtrlRemoteAction(remoteCallObj, remoteActionName, data) { // console.log(arguments); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { remoteCallObj.invokeContainerLoadingCtx($('.deskLayout'), remoteActionName, data, function(res, err) { if (res != null) { resolve(res); } else if (err.message != "") { resolve(err); } }, { nmsp: false }); }); } //---------- Format data MC PIXEL function set_MC_Pixel_PurchaseSuccess(dataPurchase) { let data = { 'cart': [], 'order_number': dataPurchase.sfdcName, // Transaction ID. Required for purchases and refunds <----- ORDER NUMBER ON SALESFORCE. 'discount': '', 'shipping': dataPurchase.shippingCharge, // Shipping value) 'details': { 'originatedCart' : dataPurchase.originatedCart, 'buyerEmail': dataPurchase.buyerEmail, 'buyerFirstName': dataPurchase.buyerFirstName, 'buyerLastName': dataPurchase.buyerLastName, 'buyerMobilePhone': dataPurchase.buyerMobilePhone, 'contactId': dataPurchase.contact, 'shippingCharge': dataPurchase.shippingCharge, 'subTotal': dataPurchase.subTotal, 'tax': dataPurchase.tax, 'taxSubTotalAmount': dataPurchase.taxSubTotalAmount, 'totalAmount': dataPurchase.totalAmount } } let productList = dataPurchase.orderItems for(product of productList){ data.cart.push({ item: product.mockProduct.name, quantity: product.quantity, price: product.price, unique_id: product.mockProduct.sku }); } if(CCRZ.getPageConfig('env.isprod',false)){ _etmc.push(["trackConversion", data]) }else{ console.log("data compra MC Pixel => ",data) } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------- FUNCTION DRAG SCROLL FOR PAINT PALETTE ---------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setDragScroll( elemName ) { const ele = document.getElementById( elemName ); ele.style.cursor = 'grab'; let pos = { top: 0, left: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }; const mouseDownHandler = function(e) { ele.style.cursor = 'grabbing'; ele.style.userSelect = 'none'; pos = { left: ele.scrollLeft, top: ele.scrollTop, // Get the current mouse position x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY, }; document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler); document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUpHandler); }; const mouseMoveHandler = function(e) { // How far the mouse has been moved const dx = e.clientX - pos.x; const dy = e.clientY - pos.y; // Scroll the element ele.scrollTop = pos.top - dy; ele.scrollLeft = pos.left - dx; }; const mouseUpHandler = function() { ele.style.cursor = 'grab'; ele.style.removeProperty('user-select'); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUpHandler); }; // Attach the handler ele.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDownHandler); } function ifApplyExpressDelivery(){ if(CCRZ.getPageConfig('exdev.stl')){ let availableExpressList = CCRZ.getPageConfig('exdev.stl').split(','); let sucursalFilter; if(localStorage.getItem('locStor'+getPrefixStore3())){ sucursalFilter = getCodeCompany()+(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('locStor'+getPrefixStore3())).codigo); if( availableExpressList.find(x=>((x.trim())==sucursalFilter)) ){ // validamos si el horario de la sucursal está habilitado para el horario de Delivery Express /*( ifApplyExpressDeliveryByTime() == true ) ? $('.expressDeliveryStyle').show() : $('.expressDeliveryStyle').hide();*/ const productId = (CCRZ.pagevars.currentPageName == 'ccrz__ProductDetails') ? CCRZ.productDetailModel.attributes.product.prodBean.id : ''; getStatusExpressDeliveryByStore(productId).then(function(res) { if( res == true ){ /*let productBorderTypeDelivery = $(".delivery-type").has('div.box-border-quad'); productBorderTypeDelivery.addClass('box-border-quad-express'); productBorderTypeDelivery.removeClass('box-border-quad'); let productIconTypeDelivery = productBorderTypeDelivery.children('img')[0]; productIconTypeDelivery.src = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/chz-marketing-repositorio-fotos/cochez/Iconos/truck-express.svg '; let productTextTypeDelivery = $('.msg-quad-inv-delivery'); productTextTypeDelivery.empty(); productTextTypeDelivery.append('
Disponible para entrega a domicilio express en 45 minutos
'); productTextTypeDelivery.removeAttr('style'); productTextTypeDelivery.css('color', 'green');*/ //$('.expressDeliveryStyle').show(); // Si se obtiene una respuesta igualmente apagamos lógica para express delivery // Apagamos lógica para express delivery $('.expressDeliveryStyle').hide() }else{ // validamos si el horario de la sucursal está habilitado para el horario de Delivery Express // Apagamos lógica para express delivery /*( ifApplyExpressDeliveryByTime() == true ) ? $('.expressDeliveryStyle').show() : $('.expressDeliveryStyle').hide();*/ $('.expressDeliveryStyle').hide() } }) .catch(function(error) { console.log("Error when validating if it is a holiday : " + error); }); // Validación para horarios especiales / feriados para sucursales // ***Se comenta bloque de validación a espera de ajuste en ambiente de desarrollo*** /*let dateToday = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'); const ciaCodeStore = (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('locStor'+getPrefixStore3())).codigo); const ciaCodeCompany = getCodeCompany(); ifApplyStoreBySpecialHour(dateToday, ciaCodeCompany, ciaCodeStore).then(function(res) { if( res == true ){ let productBorderTypeDelivery = $('.box-border-quad-express'); productBorderTypeDelivery.addClass('box-border-quad'); productBorderTypeDelivery.removeClass('box-border-quad-express'); let productIconTypeDelivery = productBorderTypeDelivery.children('img')[0]; productIconTypeDelivery.src = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/chz-marketing-repositorio-fotos/novey/iconos_storefront/deliveryNoveyV2.svg'; let productTextTypeDelivery = $('.msg-quad-inv-delivery'); productTextTypeDelivery.empty(); productTextTypeDelivery.append('
Disponible para entrega a domicilio
'); productTextTypeDelivery.removeAttr('style'); productTextTypeDelivery.css('color', '#0055b8'); //$('.expressDeliveryStyle').hide(); }else{ // validamos si el horario de la sucursal está habilitado para el horario de Delivery Express ( ifApplyExpressDeliveryByTime() == true ) ? $('.expressDeliveryStyle').show() : $('.expressDeliveryStyle').hide(); } }) .catch(function(error) { console.log("Error when validating if it is a holiday : " + error); });*/ }else{ $('.expressDeliveryStyle').hide() } } } } function ifApplyExpressDeliveryByTime(){ let date = new Date(); // Creamos y asignamos una fecha / hora para validar horarios // fuera del delivery express //let date2 = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]; //date2 = date2 + ' 03:30:00 PM'; // Get current hour with timezone. Require moment-timezone library const currentHour = moment(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ss a').tz('America/Panama').format('HH:mm:ss'); const openHour = date.toISOString().split('T')[0] + ' ' + CCRZ.getPageConfig('exdev.enableexpressdelivery'); const openHourDeliveryExpress = moment(openHour, 'YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ss a').format('HH:mm:ss'); const closeHour = date.toISOString().split('T')[0] + ' ' + CCRZ.getPageConfig('exdev.disableexpressdelivery'); const closeHourDeliveryExpress = moment(closeHour, 'YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ss a').format('HH:mm:ss'); return ( ( currentHour >= openHourDeliveryExpress) == true && (currentHour <= closeHourDeliveryExpress) == true ) ? true : false; } // Obtenemos los datos para validación si existe sucursal con horario especial o feriado /*function ifApplyStoreBySpecialHour(specialDate, ciaCode, ciaStore){ let remoteCall = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation,{ className: 'AddToCartRemoteValidator'}); remoteCall.invokeCtx('getStoreBySpecialHour', specialDate, ciaCode, ciaStore, function(response, event) { //console.log("AJX RESPONSE :: ==> " + response); let applyResponseSH; if(!response.data.length == 0){ const HoraInicioStore = response.data[0].Hora_Inicio__c; const HoraFinStore = response.data[0].Hora_Fin__c; if( HoraInicioStore == "cerrado" && HoraFinStore == "cerrado"){ applyResponseSH = true; }else{ applyResponseSH = false; } }else{ applyResponseSH = false; } return applyResponseSH; }, { nmsp: false, escape: false, timeout: 10000, buffer: false }); }*/ /* @return promise Validamos si existe una sucursal con horario especial o feriado */ /*function ifApplyStoreBySpecialHour( specialDate, ciaCode, ciaStore ) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let remoteCall = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation,{ className: 'AddToCartRemoteValidator'}); remoteCall.invokeCtx('getStoreBySpecialHour', specialDate, ciaCode, ciaStore, function(response, event) { let applyResponseSH; if(!response.data.length == 0){ const HoraInicioStore = response.data[0].Hora_Inicio__c; const HoraFinStore = response.data[0].Hora_Fin__c; if( HoraInicioStore == "cerrado" && HoraFinStore == "cerrado"){ applyResponseSH = true; resolve(applyResponseSH); }else{ applyResponseSH = false; reject(applyResponseSH); } }else{ applyResponseSH = false; reject(applyResponseSH); } return applyResponseSH; }, { nmsp: false, escape: false, timeout: 10000, buffer: false }); }); }*/ /* @return promise VALIDAMOS SI EL PRODUCTO TIENE DELIVERY EXPRESS Y SI ESTÁ EN EL CENTRO DE ENTREGA EXPRESS */ function getStatusExpressDeliveryByStore( productId ) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let remoteCall = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation,{ className: 'AddToCartRemoteValidator'}); remoteCall.invokeCtx('getStatusExpressDeliveryByStore', productId, function(response, event) { let applyResponseSH; if(!response.data.length == 0){ console.log('EXPRESS DELIVERY RESPONSE ==> ' + JSON.stringify(response.data)); const expressDeliveryStatus = response.data[0].ccrz__ProductItem__r.express_delivery__c; const inventoryLocationCode = response.data[0].ccrz__InventoryLocationCode__c; console.log("EXPRESS DELIVERY STATUS ==> "+expressDeliveryStatus); console.log("INVENTORY LOCATION CODE ==> "+inventoryLocationCode); if(expressDeliveryStatus == true && inventoryLocationCode == '0303'){ applyResponseSH = true; resolve(applyResponseSH); }else{ applyResponseSH = false; reject(applyResponseSH); } }else{ applyResponseSH = false; reject(applyResponseSH); } return applyResponseSH; }, { nmsp: false, escape: false, timeout: 10000, buffer: false }); }); } function enabledBrandForInk(){ let brandName = CCRZ.prodDetailView.model.attributes.product.prodBean.brandName if(brandName != null){ let brandEnables = CCRZ.getPageConfig('paint.brands_enable').split(',') return brandEnables.includes(brandName.toLowerCase().capitalize()) } else { return false } } // id: a1F5C000000kRcWUAU // qty: 1 function addToCartSFAsync( id, qty ) { console.log("JMC ================> entro"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //Valida el inventario let data=[{ prodId: id, qty: qty.toString() }]; let remoteCall = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation, { className: 'AddToCartRemoteValidator' }); remoteCall.invokeContainerLoadingCtx($('.deskLayout'), 'itemQuantityValidationRemoteAction', JSON.stringify(data), function (res, err) { if (res != null) { if (res.success) { //Agrega al carrito el producto let remoteCall2 = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation, { className: 'ccrz.cc_RemoteActionController' }); remoteCall2.invokeContainerLoadingCtx($('.deskLayout'), 'addItem', id, qty, null, null, "", null, function (res, err) { if (res.success) { resolve(res); CCRZ.pubSub.trigger('cartChange', res.data); } }, { nmsp: false }); } else { reject(res); } } else if (err.message != "") { reject(res); } }, { nmsp: false }); }); } CCRZ.pubSub.on("chargeFooter", function() { // function hawkLoadEvent(){ if(CCRZ.getPageConfig('hsm.enable_hs')){ if(CCRZ.pagevars.currentPageName=="ccrz__HomePage"){ HawkSearch.Tracking.track('pageload',{pageType: "landing"}); } if(CCRZ.pagevars.currentPageName=="ccrz__Cart"){ HawkSearch.Tracking.track('pageload',{pageType: "cart"}); } if(CCRZ.pagevars.currentPageName=="ccrz__MyAccount"){ HawkSearch.Tracking.track('pageload',{pageType: "custom"}); } if(CCRZ.pagevars.currentPageName=="ccrz__CheckoutNew"){ HawkSearch.Tracking.track('pageload',{pageType: "custom"}); } if(CCRZ.pagevars.currentPageName=="ccrz__ProductList"){ HawkSearch.Tracking.track('pageload',{pageType: "custom"}); } if(CCRZ.pagevars.currentPageName=="ccrz__ProductList"){ } if(CCRZ.pagevars.currentPageName=="ccrz__ProductDetails"){ // setTimeout(() => { HawkSearch.Context.add("uniqueid", CCRZ.productDetailModel.attributes.product.prodBean.id) // }, 1000); HawkSearch.Tracking.track('pageload',{pageType: "item"}); } } }); function hawkDataTrackCynx(qty, typeProduct, dataProduct){ console.log('datos '+ dataProduct.sfidProd); console.log('datos2 '+ dataProduct.id); sfidHawk=dataProduct.sfidProd?dataProduct.sfidProd:dataProduct.id; sendEventHawkTrackAdd2Cart(sfidHawk,dataProduct.price,qty) } function sendEventHawkTrackAdd2Cart(sfidHawk,price,qty){ console.log('hawkEventSend => '+ sfidHawk); HawkSearch.Tracking.track('add2cart',{ uniqueId: sfidHawk, price: parseFloat(price), quantity: parseInt(qty), currency: 'USD' }); } function hawkDataTrackOrderConfirmation(dataPurchase){ let oItems=[]; if(dataPurchase.orderItems){ for(item of dataPurchase.orderItems ){ if(item.product && item.price && item.quantity){ oItems.push({ uniqueid: item.product, itemPrice: item.price, quantity: item.quantity }) } } HawkSearch.Tracking.track('sale', { orderNo: dataPurchase.orderName, itemList: oItems, total: dataPurchase.totalAmount, subTotal: dataPurchase.subTotal, tax: dataPurchase.tax, currency: 'USD' }); } // HawkSearch.Tracking.track('sale', { // orderNo: dataPurchase.orderName, // itemList: dataPurchase.orderItems, // total: dataPurchase.totalAmount, // subTotal: dataPurchase.subTotal, // tax: dataPurchase.tax, // currency: 'USD' // }); } CCRZ.pubSub.on("view:PaymentProcessorView:refresh", function() { updateInfo(); setTimeout(() => { $("#overlay").remove() }, 2000); }) function momentFormatLLLL(date){ let dateLLLL = '' if(date != ''){ let arrDates = moment(date).format('LLLL').split(' ') arrDates[0] = arrDates[0].toLowerCase().capitalize() arrDates.splice(arrDates.length-1) dateLLLL = arrDates.join(' ') } else { dateLLLL = 'Fecha invalida' } return dateLLLL } function obtenerValorParametroBase(sParametroNombre,url) { var sPaginaURL = url; var sURLVariables = sPaginaURL.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { var sParametro = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParametro[0] == sParametroNombre) { return sParametro[1]; } } return null; } //Funcion que retorna la distancia en kilometros entre dos conjuntos de coordenadas function getDistanceByTwoCoordinates(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2){ rad = function(x){ return x * Math.PI/180; } //Radio de la tierra en km let R = 6371; let dLat = rad( lat2 - lat1 ); let dLong = rad( lon2 - lon1 ); let a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + Math.cos(rad(lat1)) * Math.cos(rad(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLong/2) * Math.sin(dLong/2); let c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); let d = R * c; return d.toFixed(2); } //Funcion que ordena por alguna propiedad del JSON function jsonSortOrder(prop) { return function(a, b) { if (a[prop] > b[prop]) { return 1; } else if (a[prop] < b[prop]) { return -1; } return 0; } } //Funcion que seteara la tienda y la actualiza en el widget componente del header selector de tiendas function setLocStore(storeCode, isChangingStore){ let cia = getCodeCompany() let stores = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stores'+getPrefixStore3())) let storeSelected = stores.find( x => (cia+x.centro == storeCode) ) let jsonStore = JSON.stringify({ codigo:storeSelected.centro, tienda:storeSelected.nombre, direccion:storeSelected.direccion, horarioLV:storeSelected.horarioLunesViernes, horarioS:storeSelected.horarioSabado, horarioD:storeSelected.horarioDomingo, coordenadas: storeSelected.coordenadas }) if (isChangingStore) { CCRZ.pubSub.trigger('pickStore_Event', storeSelected.nombre); } localStorage.setItem('locStor'+getPrefixStore3(), jsonStore) //Actualiza el componente widget de tiendas en el header locationSelected() } function loaderPayment(text1, text2){ let customLoader = `
` return customLoader } /* GIFT CARD */ //variable global var processCount = 0; var addItemSuccessCount = 0; // CCRZ.pubSub.on('view:cartView:refresh', function(){ // if((JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('giftcard')) != null) && (CCRZ.pagevars.queryParams.pagekey != 'GiftCard') && (CCRZ.pagevars.remoteContext.currentPageName != 'ccrz__CheckoutNew') && CCRZ.pagevars.remoteContext.currentPageName != 'ccrz__OrderConfirmation'){ // if(JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('savedCartItems')) != null){ // checkCartToRemoveGiftCard(false); // sessionStorage.removeItem('giftcard'); // let savedItems = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('savedCartItems')); // let parseItem; // let itemsQty = savedItems.length; // //let response = false; // savedItems.forEach(element => { // parseItem = JSON.parse(element); // addSavedCartItems(parseItem.idProduct, parseItem.quantity, itemsQty); // }); // //CCRZ.pubSub.trigger('cartChange', CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.sfid); // }else{ // checkCartToRemoveGiftCard(true); // sessionStorage.removeItem('giftcard'); // } // } // }); //NEW DEV LOCAL STORAGE ANDRES GARCIA CCRZ.pubSub.on('view:cartView:refresh', function(){ if((JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('giftcard')) != null) && (CCRZ.pagevars.queryParams.pagekey != 'GiftCard') && (CCRZ.pagevars.remoteContext.currentPageName != 'ccrz__CheckoutNew') && CCRZ.pagevars.remoteContext.currentPageName != 'ccrz__OrderConfirmation'){ if(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('savedCartItems')) != null){ checkCartToRemoveGiftCard(false); localStorage.removeItem('giftcard'); let savedItems = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('savedCartItems')); let parseItem; let itemsQty = savedItems.length; //let response = false; savedItems.forEach(element => { parseItem = JSON.parse(element); addSavedCartItems(parseItem.idProduct, parseItem.quantity, itemsQty); }); //CCRZ.pubSub.trigger('cartChange', CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.sfid); }else{ checkCartToRemoveGiftCard(true); localStorage.removeItem('giftcard'); } } // valida el contexto de PG Promocionales //validatePgPromoContext(); }); // CCRZ.pubSub.on('view:CartDetailView:refresh',function(){ // validatePgPromoContext(); // }); function checkCartToRemoveGiftCard(cartChangeFlag){ const ccFlag = cartChangeFlag; if(processCount == 0){ let gcSKU = CCRZ.getPageConfig('GC.gcsku', 'GCSKU'); //let gcSessionStorage = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('giftcard')); if(CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.cartItems != undefined){ if(CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.cartItems[0].mockProduct.sku.includes(gcSKU)){ removeGCFromCart(CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.sfid, ccFlag); } } processCount++; } } function removeGCFromCart(cartSfid,cartChangeFlag) { const ccFlag = cartChangeFlag; let processCount = 0; let remoteCall = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation,{ className: 'AddToCartRemoteValidator'}); remoteCall.invokeCtx('removeItemsFromCart',cartSfid,(res,err)=>{ if(res.success && ccFlag){ CCRZ.pubSub.trigger('cartChange', CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.encryptedId); } },{nmsp: false, escape: false, buffer: false} ); } //NEW DEV SAVE CART ITEMS GIFTCARD // function getCartItems(cartSfid) { // //let processCount = 0; // let items; // let remoteCall = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation,{ className: 'AddToCartRemoteValidator'}); // remoteCall.invokeCtx('getCartItems',cartSfid,(res,err)=>{ // if(res.success){ // items = JSON.stringify(res.data.cartItems); // sessionStorage.setItem('savedCartItems',items); // } // },{nmsp: false, escape: false, buffer: false} // ); // } //NEW DEV SAVE CART ITEMS GIFTCARD // function addSavedCartItems(idProd, qty, itemsQty){ // let remoteCall = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation, { className: 'ccrz.cc_RemoteActionController' }); // remoteCall.invokeContainerLoadingCtx($('.deskLayout'), 'addItem', idProd, qty, null, null, "", null, function (res, err) { // if (res.success) { // console.log('Se logro introducir items al carrito desde el session storage'); // addItemSuccessCount++; // if(addItemSuccessCount == itemsQty){ // CCRZ.pubSub.trigger('cartChange', res.data); // } // } // }, // { nmsp: false }); // } // PUNTOS GRODOS PROMOCIONALES ---------------- // isPromo: true or false function setLocalIsCartPgPromoContext(isPromo){ isPromo ? localStorage.setItem('isPgPromoContext', 'true') : localStorage.removeItem('isPgPromo'); } // function validatePgPromoContext(){ // if((localStorage.getItem('isPgPromoContext') == 'true') && (CCRZ.pagevars.remoteContext.currentPageName != 'ccrz__CheckoutNew') && CCRZ.pagevars.remoteContext.currentPageName != 'ccrz__OrderConfirmation'){ // const cartID = CCRZ.cartView != undefined ? CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.sfid : CCRZ.cartDetailView.model.attributes.sfid; // const cartEncId = CCRZ.pagevars.currentCartID; // let remoteCall = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation,{ className: 'AddToCartRemoteValidator'}); // remoteCall.invokeCtx('removePGCartItems',cartID, true, function(response, event) { // if(response.success){ // localStorage.removeItem('isPgPromoContext'); // remoteCall.invokeCtx('removeFlagIsPgPromo',cartEncID, function(response, event) { // if(response.success){ // console.log('AJX :: removeFlagIsPgPromo ==> ', response); // //Refresco la pagina si estoy en el cart Detail // if(CCRZ.pagevars.remoteContext.currentPageName == 'ccrz__Cart'){ // location.reload(); // } // } // }, { nmsp: false, escape: false, timeout: 10000, buffer: false }); // CCRZ.pubSub.trigger('cartChange', CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.encryptedId); // } // }, { nmsp: false, escape: false, timeout: 10000, buffer: false }); // } // } // function checkCartToRemoveGiftCard(cartChangeFlag){ // const ccFlag = cartChangeFlag; // if(processCount == 0){ // let gcSKU = CCRZ.getPageConfig('GC.gcsku', 'GCSKU'); // //let gcSessionStorage = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('giftcard')); // if(CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.cartItems != undefined){ // if(CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.cartItems[0].mockProduct.sku.includes(gcSKU)){ // removeGCFromCart(CCRZ.cartView.cartmodel.attributes.sfid, ccFlag); // } // } // processCount++; // } // } function getAccountGroupInfo(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const remoteCall = _.extend(CCRZ.RemoteInvocation, { className: 'AddToCartRemoteValidator' }); remoteCall.invokeContainerLoadingCtx($('.deskLayout'), 'getAccountGroupInfo', CCRZ.currentUser.Contact.AccountId, function (res, err) { if(res.success){ resolve(res.data.ccrz__E_AccountGroup__r); }else{ reject(res); } },{ nmsp: false, escape: false, timeout: 10000, buffer: false } ); }); } //Ejemplo de llamado a función con promesa // async function callAccountGroupInfo(){ // let response = await getAccountGroupInfo(); // return response; // } // AJX. Parche para HS. Solo mobile, detecta cuando ya ha cargado HS sus productos y ajusta su div de filtros function isMobile() { const mobileQuery = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)"); return mobileQuery.matches; } CCRZ.pubSub.on('chargeFooter', function(param){ setTimeout(() => { if ($("#viewState").val() == "ListView") { if (isMobile()) { try{ if(CCRZ.pagevars.storefrontName == 'B2CCochez'){ $('.hawk-railNavHeading').addClass('ml-4 mt-5').insertBefore($('.cc_tmpl_TwoColRightRD')); } else if(CCRZ.pagevars.storefrontName == 'B2CNovey'){ $('.hawk-railNavHeading').insertBefore($('.cc_tmpl_TwoColRightRD')); $('.hawk-railNavHeading').addClass('ml-4 mt-5 mb-5'); } }catch(ex){console.log(ex);} } } }, 2000); });
'; } } return wrapper; }); // INSERTA ROW SEGUN PARAMETROS ESTABLECIDOS EN LA FUNCION Handlebars.registerHelper('gridWrapCustom', function(index, isLast, isOpenning, customCol, clases) { var wrapper = "", perRow = customCol, clases = (clases == undefined) ? '' : clases; if (isOpenning) { if (index == 0 || index % perRow == 0) { wrapper += '
Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589
Phone: +9958996486049
Job: Sales Manager
Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing
Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.
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